PencilGuyShop Q&A and Comments
Review- Satisfy the Customer!!
Satisfy the customer! Read our latest review 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Product and Customer Service August 28, 2024 I recently ordered these pencils and left a review stating that, although I liked the quality of the pencils and the speed with which my order was filled and delivered, I was dissatisfied with the size of the font used for the personalization. Brian at Pencil Guy contacted me right away and kindly offered to redo the order using a smaller font and to ship the replacement order to me at no charge. The new pencils arrived in two days, and...
Save those stubbys!
In The Mood Pencils!
Try our new Mood Pencils! Heat Sensitive! Enjoy the Great Glen Miller!
Mimbleball Pencils
One of the fun ideas for pencils is Mimbleball. Mimbleballs are plush therapy tools that benefit everyone who needs a little extra love, joy, laughter, and comfort. Really, who doesn't? We invite you to explore
Pencilguyshop is Off Broadway - The Rat Trap by Noel Coward- Mint Theater Company
Yes, theater fans, we would like to thank director Alexander Lass for purchasing our pencils to give away for his opening night cast party. He emailed us on Friday November 18th and we sent the pencils that same day overnite for delivery on Monday. Here is a snapshot of the proof and some lines from the play! (pencil is highlighted!) Thanks Alexander and Good Luck with your show!