PencilGuyShop Q&A and Comments
Back to School Pencils!

Back to school. Be safe and order personalized pencils- Here are some recent orders! Remember you can add a logo with your text, and we will send a free virtual proof for your review. Any questions, email:
THE PENCIL by Henry Petroski

This book never gets old! A very interesting read. "Henry Petroski traces the origins of the pencil back to ancient Greece and Rome, writes factually and charmingly about its development over the centuries and around the world, and shows what the pencil can teach us about engineering and technology today"
Blog Secret Sale - Blank Round Pencils

Psst: we have a secret, everyone needs a blank pencil. Mention this blog post and we will charge only $.09 each for a blank round pencil- minimum 288 (2 boxes) up to 19 colors available for any quantity, For 288 - that is $25.92 plus free shipping.. Just send us order and email or chat with us and mention "Blog Secret Sale". We will credit your payment as soon as we ship. (usually same day!!) Here are your links:
Video - Welcome to
Let's Get Back To Work! Pencil Guy Carpenter Pencils
Construction sites are opening throughout the country! Everyone needs carpenter pencils! Advertise your business and let's get back to work! Be Safe. Our carpenter pencils come in many colors including neons: orange,yellow and green. Also we have a 15% discount available on all purchases!